using cannabis for PTS

Migraine Relief: Can Marijuana Be the Cure?

Migraine Relief: Can Marijuana Be the Cure?

Ongoing research delves into how marijuana might affect migraines. Studies hint that THC and CBD, key cannabinoids in marijuana, could ease or prevent migraine symptoms. For example, the University of Colorado reports that daily use of cannabis for migraines led to fewer migraines in 40% of participants. Cannabinoids engage with our body's receptors, regulating pain and nausea. THC can induce a high, while CBD focuses on pain relief without the psychoactive effects.

The Evidence is not Definitive

More studies are necessary to confirm cannabis as an effective migraine treatment. Remember, marijuana's legality varies across states, so check local laws before considering its medical use. If you're pondering marijuana for migraine relief, talk to a healthcare provider about potential benefits, risks, and legalities. Migraines aren't just severe headaches; they're a chronic condition marked by debilitating pain and symptoms like nausea and light sensitivity.

Treating Migraines is Tough

Prescription meds often fall short, leading some to explore marijuana's potential. But does it help or worsen migraines? Recent studies, including a significant one from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, suggest marijuana might reduce migraines, especially when inhaled. Despite these promising findings, marijuana also has potential downsides. It's crucial to weigh these against the benefits. Research is in its infancy, but CBD from marijuana emerges as a pain-relieving component. Unlike THC, CBD doesn't cause a high.

Migraines: A Debilitating Condition Beyond Headaches

Migraines strike with intense headaches and often bring nausea, vomiting, and a dislike for light and sound. They usually cause throbbing pain on one side of the head, lasting hours to days.
Abnormal brain activity, which alters nerve signals and blood flow, is believed to trigger migraines. Stress, certain foods, hormonal shifts, environmental changes, and medications can all set them off.

Migraine Symptoms Unfold in Stages:

  • Prodrome: Mood swings, cravings, or neck stiffness signal an approaching migraine.
  • Aura: Before or during the migraine, you might see odd lights or tingling.
  • Attack: The migraine hits with pulsing pain, sensitivity, and sometimes nausea.
  • Post-drome: Post-headache, you often feel exhausted.


Migraine treatment typically involves medication to ease symptoms and prevent new attacks. However, lifestyle adjustments and therapy may also be crucial in managing triggers. It's important to remember that each person's experience with migraines is unique, and a healthcare provider can help develop a personalized treatment plan that best suits your needs.

A migraine isn't just any headache. It's a severe, painful ordeal that can cause visual disturbances like light flashes or blind spots. Tingling, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting are familiar. Migraines usually affect one side of the head and impact millions in the U.S., so you're not alone in this journey. Using cannabis for migraines is a very welcome alternative.


Migraine symptoms include one-sided pain that intensifies with activity, leading to sickness and vomiting. The pain can be so severe that it renders normal activities impossible. Light sensitivity may force some to seek solace in dark, quiet spaces. Other symptoms include sweating, temperature changes, and diarrhea, which can disrupt daily life.

An aura often precedes a migraine, bringing confusion, visual oddities, speech issues, and stiffness. While there's no cure for migraines, medications aim to lessen symptoms. However, they may only work for some. Avoiding triggers and staying hydrated can help, but migraines might still occur. Medications are either preventive or acute treatment. The cause of migraines is still a mystery, but it likely involves temporary brain activity changes affecting nerves, blood flow, and chemical levels.

Marijuana for Migraines: A Research Snapshot Summary

Marijuana is being used to treat many conditions, and early research suggests it could help with migraines. However, it's too soon for definitive answers, and self-medication is risky due to unregulated dosing. Always consult a professional before trying cannabis for migraines. 

Medical Cannabis

If you think marijuana may play a helpful role in treating your symptoms, consider getting a med card. Call the professional marijuana doctors at KindHealth if you need any assistance. 786.953.6838.


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