
Can Recreational Marijuana be Legalized in Florida?

Can Recreational Marijuana be Legalized in Florida?

Can Recreational Marijuana be Legalized in Florida?

YES.     Florida has already passed a bill allowing medical marijuana. State lawmakers introduced a bill in the 2017 General Assembly to hold a statewide referendum on whether to legalize recreational cannabis use while regulating and taxing it. Neither of two proposed Florida amendments have been able to generate enough backing to get on the ballot. An amendment would need at least 60% of voters to pass. Attempts to legalize herb face real obstacles. Republicans have introduced a cap to the level of THC in medical marijuana. In addition, Gov. DeSantis opposes full legalization. It would seem as well that Florida Supreme Court and legislators lean the same way.

In spite of some failure, attempts to legalize recreational weed in Florida are ongoing. With a clear momentum in favor of wider public acceptance of 'all issues cannabis', and a growing recognition by state legislatures seeing significant revenue from marijuana sales, a brighter future for Florida recreational use seems a fait accompli.

To learn more, visit our medical marijuana FAQ page. Call us today and schedule an appointment (786) 953-6838 to get your marijuana card.

How to Get your Medical Marijuana Card and Get Legal