How much MMJ can I get at the Dispensary?

How Much Medical MMJ Can I Purchase At A Dispensary?

Smokable Flower

Generally, states set limits on the quantity of medical marijuana that can be purchased within a certain period. In Florida, patients can buy a base amount of 2.5 ounces of smokable flower within a rolling 35-day period. There are six 35-day periods during your 7-month script. Each 35-day ‘look-back’ starts from the day you are at the dispensary. During this period, patients can use as much as they would like at any given visit to the medical dispensary but can only purchase a maximum of 2.5 ounces. The state-mandated basic limit can be exceeded by petitioning the Florida Department of Health.

Non-Flower Delivery Routes

Other delivery routes include route, oral, edibles, sublingual, topical, inhalation, and suppositories.  These medical routes allow a doctor recommendation for three, resetting 70-day periods. There is a 24,500 mg aggregate THC limit on all the other medical routes. Specific amounts allotted to each route are determined during a patient consultation with their doctor. Amounts allotted to each of these routes can be adjusted at any time. This state-mandated maximum can also be exceeded by petitioning the Florida Department of Health.

How Much MMJ Can I Buy?

You can always find the answer to ‘how much MMJ can I buy’ in your patient profile. This is located in the state registry and you will have access once you have obtained a medical cannabis card.

How much medical MMJ can I purchase at a dispensary