CBD for Insomnia KindHealth Marijuana Doctors

5 Ways to Relieve Insomnia with CBD Herbs

5 Ways to Relieve Insomnia with CBD Herbs

About 168 million Americans have trouble with their sleep. If you do, there are ways to relieve insomnia with CBD herbs. This stunning weekly figure from The Consumer Reports suggests the need for better remedies. So, if you have sleep issues, you’re not alone. Prescription drugs are no longer the only option due to dangerous side effects. They can also cause addiction and other health problems. Having a natural choice is a viable way to treat sleeplessness. Cannabis products, such as budget buds, are becoming more popular because of their treatment benefits. CBD extracted from cannabis or hemp plants helps users to enjoy the plant without getting tipsy. CBD is one of the best ways of treating insomnia. A daily CBD dose lessens the time needed to fall asleep and boost your deep sleep.

CBD can help treat conditions such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Pain and inflammation
  • Chronic pain
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

1. CBD Eases Mental Disorders

Anyone can have mental health issues. While there are many methods that exist for treating them, some have side effects. Some may affect sleep, contribute to weight gain, and even conflict with other drugs. Poor mental health greatly contributes to sleep loss. Many people with anxiety, stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) sleep poorly. Also, many patients with bipolar, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and depression have sleeplessness. CBD can help with managing most of these disorders, thus improving your sleep. Numerous studies have been carried out showing that CBD is useful in the treatment of these mental disorders.

●       Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety is a reaction to stress and induces sleep problems. CBD is effective as it helps to control the stress hormone cortisol. Whether low or high, cortisol levels interfere with your sleep quality. The levels of hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, increase when you're nervous. This makes you more alert and makes it difficult to relax.

A 2019 study examined the role of CBD in sleep improvement and calming anxiety. Of the 72 study members, 25 had insomnia issues, and 47 suffered from an anxiety disorder. Both groups were given doses of CBD each day. Sleep improved by 66.7 percent after one month, and anxiety reduced by 79.2 percent. Preclinical findings show promise of CBD for anxiety and panic disorders. This included both generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD). Also included is the related obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

●       Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's dementia is a leading cause of loss of memory in many. Also, it and other diseases may cause restlessness. Sundown symptoms include late-day anxiety, confusion, aggression, and restlessness. For some people, the conduct may fade, but it may keep others awake all night. Research on whether CBD helps Alzheimer’s shows CBD to be a great treatment option. The study claims CBD is helpful in nervous system diseases such as Alzheimer’s. CBD may protect nerve cells from decline and damage.

●       Depression

Sadness is a common cause of sleep loss. According to studies, CBD interacts with the brain's serotonin receptors. This interplay causes its antidepressant effects. Low levels of serotonin are known to cause depression. While CBD may not directly improve serotonin levels, it affects how the receptors react. A recent review of the research found that CBD produces anti-stress effects. These effects may help ease depression linked to stress.

●       PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may lead to sleeplessness. The disorder impairs sleep by increasing light sleep while reducing deep sleep time. It also disrupts with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, inducing sleeplessness. Researchers believe that CBD can ease PTSD sleep problems. CBD helps in managing anxiety that is linked to PTSD by reducing anxiety-induced REM sleep problems.

2. CBD Can Help Treat Pain

Chronic pain is one of the number one causes of sleeplessness. However, that's just one of the ways chronic pain affects your quality of life. Extreme pain can be difficult to treat with antidepressants, anti-seizure meds, or opiates. Examples are neuropathic pain, cancer, and the pain found in multiple sclerosis. CBD tincture oil from CBDFX is effective in chronic pain treatment and can help improve the quality of sleep. CBD treats the symptoms, unlike other sleep aids, which provide sedative effects.

New research supports the use of CBD in pain relief. Researchers found that a mix of CBD and THC helped relieve cancer pain. The study shows CBD plays an important role. Sadly, patients who used THC alone did not get compelling results.

Our body's inflammation is how we cure toxins, injuries, and germs. These acute reactions can lead to swelling, redness, warmth, and pain. A review also suggests that CBD may help treat these reactions. The human body has a system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This crucial system regulates and balances various body functions. These include pain, memory, appetite, sleep, and metabolism. CBD comes and its cannabinoids impact the endocannabinoid receptors. These receptors interact with neurotransmitters to reduce inflammation.

A study using rat models revealed the power of CBD in reducing pain. Researchers found CBD injections relieved surgical incision pain. This was in a second study finding oral CBD helps reduce inflammation.

3. CBD May Treat Skin Disorders

CBD may help skin problems like eczema, acne, seborrheic dermatitis. Psoriasis and eczema distract sleep with itchy and burning skin. Patients wake themselves up at night with horribly painful scratching. Thankfully, CBD can help you solve sleeplessness by treating these skin problems.

●       Psoriasis

Several studies suggest CBD can be effective in treating psoriasis. CBD helps by slowing cell division. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that are considered to ease the symptoms of psoriasis. Other research has shown that topical application of CBD on psoriatic skin helped ease the symptoms.

●       Eczema

According to a study, CBD has shown the potential to ease eczema symptoms. CBD shows promise in treating eczema. This is, in part, due to its anti-inflammation properties. The cannabinoids work with the ECS to restore balance and calm the skin. It soothes redness and itching, which are the main symptoms of eczema.

●       Acne

Acne is mainly caused by over secretion of sebum in the skin. Sebum plays a crucial role in skin protection only when it’s produced in controlled amounts. CBD is effective in treating this condition in two ways:

        I.           It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties

Studies demonstrate that CBD’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial actions help ease skin acne. That’s because the condition is caused by inflammatory skin changes.

     II.            It reduces the production of sebum

Clinical studies show that cannabinoids help in stopping excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. This effectively fights this skin condition since the formation of sebum is the main cause of acne.

4. CBD Can Stop Snoring

Snoring is closely linked to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The sleep disorder interferes with your normal breathing. This condition does not affect its victims alone. Non-snorers sharing a room with snorers also show sleep loss due to the disturbance. Most treatment options try to promote sleep by reducing sleep obstruction. However, the best way is to treat the main cause of the disorder. That’s exactly what CBD does with OSA. CBD works with your body’s health system in several ways to boost and soothe sleep. It helps fight OSA by lowering the pressure in the blood vessels.

Animal model studies show CBD works with the ECS to influence how the body responds to serotonin. This compound manages the symptoms of apnea, thus reducing its occurrence in victims when they are sleeping.

5. CBD can Stop Nightmares

Nightmares are normally nothing to worry about. But recurring nightmares can markedly interfere with your sleep by causing sleep anxiety. That’s why nightmare disorder is medically recognized as a sleep disorder. One of the main sources of a nightmare is rapid eye movement (REM). The sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is marked by increased nightmares and restlessness. Victims of REM sleep often act out of their dreams while still asleep. Researchers believe that CBD can help to treat this disorder. This was observed in a case study involving four patients. They were treated with CBD and showed a large reduction in RBD-inspired events with no side effects.


Sleep is a vital part of your physical wellbeing. Regular lack of sleep leads you to severe health problems including diabetes. High blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity may occur. This is why finding an appropriate treatment is critical. From these studies, CBD can help you treat sleep disorders. CBD works in more than one way to promote better sleep. While the research is unsettled, it shows CBD as a potential treatment option.

If you’re suffering from being sleepless and other treatment options don’t seem to work then you can try CBD. There are several methods of taking CBD and ease insomnia. However, start by consulting with your doctor to determine the best way to use CBD to improve your sleep.

5 Ways to Relieve Insomnia with CBD Herbs

The views expressed in this guest post do not necessarily reflect the views of KindHealth, nor its affiliated doctors or staff. Go here for more information its author Jessica McFly. To read more of her work, check out "5 Benefits of Vaping CBD for Better Health."

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